Ignacio Urrutia Arrue


Ignacio Urrutia Arrue

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Ignacio Urrutia Arrue

Exploring European Defence and PESCO in Light of Russia’s 2022 Invasion of Ukraine

Exploring European Defence and PESCO in Light of Russia’s 2022 Invasion of Ukraine

[…] Due to the existence of radically different and incompatible threat perceptions, strategic cultures within the EU, and the evident reinforcement of US and NATO’s role in European security and defence […]; the EU is still far away from being united and achieving strategic autonomy.


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 led to a further rise in the debate around Europe’s security architecture, policy, and capabilities. Despite the narrative built and embraced by the EU and most of its member states’ governments depicting the union’s response as consistent, virtuous, effective, and unified; the former has not developed and has lacked relevant and real geopolitical power and still lies quite behind in its objective of achieving strategic autonomy.


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