Feb 14, 2022

International Conflict Management II, with iSCAN.

Publicado por GEOPOL 21


What is the SOLVE Initiative? What was addressed in SOLVE 2021? How was the Rwandan conflict and how is shaped nowadays? These and more questions will be answered on our second episode in collaboration with iSCAN.

  • @BBatware: Billy Batware is the Co-founder of RAUN. He is a Programme Officer at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) where he is responsible for transnational organized crime projects. He is also the Founder of United for Education and Sustainable Futures (UESF) whose flagship project is Youth Education Ambassadors (YEA) and Founder of International Security and Conflict Analysis Network (iSCAN). Billy is visiting lecturer of international conflicts and development, a certified trainer in international security, a certified leadership coach, and a regular speaker at international conferences and events. He has a BA in Diplomatic Studies and an MA in International Security Studies. In his spare time, Billy works to educate and empower young people and advocates for better human rights, equitable development, and awareness about sustainable development.
  • Fotini Zarogianni (@iSCAN_intl): Fotini Zarogianni is a Graduate student and Candidate for a Master of Advanced International Studies in the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna (Austria), while she also holds a Bachelor of Laws from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). She further serves as the President of the Society of International Security of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna.
  • @andresglezmontero: Contributing Analyst in the Europe area. Graduate in International Relations (URJC).


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