Mar 20, 2024

India’s technological expansion: a global switch

Escrito por Mikel Viteri Galera

Hundred years ago, India was a simple developing land under British Empire control, serving as the largest supplier of products like cotton and tea. Nowadays, the dynamic has changed, as the country aspires to become a superpower through innovation and continuous growth in multiple sectors, particularly in technology.


Indian Technological Evolution

Before the conquest of India by the British Empire, it had already made several significant discoveries that impacted humankind in multiple areas. These include medicine, with treatments like the Lithiasis treatment during the 6th century BCE, and mathematics, with trigonometrics, dating back to the late 5th century. Furthermore, several Indians made pioneering innovations during British Raj rule, such as Jagd


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Mikel Viteri Galera

Mikel Viteri Galera. Graduado en Relaciones Internacionales (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Master en Liderazgo, Diplomacia e Inteligencia (Fundación de Estudios Estratégicos e Internacionales). Master en Inteligencia y Seguridad Internacional (King’s College London). Experto en Inteligencia, Seguridad Internacional, Defensa, Energia y Gepolítica.

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